"Mitzi struggles to keep her attention on the explanations"
"Try to listen more often to what is being said"
"In class, she is often chatting, but remember, that shouldn't happen too much during lessons! It would be a shame if you missed something because of it and then made a mistake on a test"
"Try to always stay focused"
"Set the bar a bit higher for yourself"
In "Schaduwdansers," Mitzi explores the impact of a late ADHD diagnosis on her self-image. This personal documentary follows her quest for recognition and compassion, both from herself and her surroundings. Through conversations with her parents, archival footage, and ballet lessons, she analyzes how past experiences and her late ADHD diagnosis have shaped her self-image.
The film highlights the challenges Mitzi faces that come with a late diagnosis, especially for girls and women who often feel misunderstood or lonely for years. Mitzi shares her story not only to provide recognition and validation for other women with (traits of) ADHD but also to inspire parents, teachers, and professionals and underscore the urgency of research and understanding.
"Schaduwdansers" calls for broader awareness and understanding of ADHD in women, emphasizing the importance of the recognition and compassion that their environment can provide. The documentary shows how women's behavior is often overlooked and advocates for more attention and research into this issue.